VBS is open to children ages 4 (by 12/01/25) through those
entering 6th grade. This program begins each morning with an opening assembly which consists of music, a skit or video, and announcements. Each grade level group
will then rotate through our six stations: Crafts, Bible Lesson, Application, Recreation, Snack, and Music. We end by joining together for a closing assembly before dismissal.
*We also will be having a Closing Program Friday evening at 7:00pm. We invite family and friends to join us as the children share what they have learned during the week. We hope to see you there!!
Thank you for your interest in helping with VBS! Both teen and
adult staff volunteers are needed. If you would like to volunteer to help with VBS, please fill out the form below.
Staff Kick- Off - All volunteers are required to receive training prior to VBS. Please plan ahead to the training session.
If you have any questions, please email vacationbibleschool@faithlbc.com
During the week of VBS from 7:00pm – 9:00pm
This is open to all teens entering 7th grade through those who just graduated 12th grade in 2025. This is a great time to get to hang out together and get a sneak peak of what the next day of VBS will hold.
We would love to have you there and feel free to invite your friends!
If you are volunteering as staff at VBS, you do not need to complete this form.
If you have any questions, please email vacationbibleschool@faithlbc.com
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